Friday, July 25, 2008


He has big feet. You can see all five toes! It is amazing how good ultrasounds are now.

This was the first shot we got of our little boy. He didn't want us mistaking him for a girl. The whole ultrasound he was trying to flash us his backside. He wouldn't show us his face at all but he ws proud to let us know we had a boy on the way. Before the ultrasound tech even said "its a boy" you could tell. I looked over at Clark and saw a big smile on his face. He was just a little excited. We can't wait to meet him!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Just an Update

The past couple weeks have been great!

Clark is starting to feel better. He is getting stronger and stronger. It is so great to see him getting back to normal. It will take awhile for him to recover completly but it is nice to have him so happy. One great blessing through all of our trials is how much we both learned to apreciate the small things. Life can be taken away in a second so enjoy every moment you have. It has truley been a blessing to our marrige and lives to live this way. I believe that every trial has something you learn from and grow stronger because of.

I have been feeling better. It is so nice to be in the second trimester. I have just started feeling the baby move. It is such an amazing feeling. I can't wait until Clark can feel it too. We find out the sex of the baby on July 23rd! It is only about a week and a half away! We are so excited. It will be nice to start thinking about colors and things for the nursery. I'm sure my mother in law will help with that. She is really good at decorating. That is a good thing because it isn't one of my gifts. Somedays it feels like I am going to be pregnant forever but others I look back and think it is going by so fast. We have really tried to enjoy every stage of the pregnancy. This baby is such a miracle. With my fertility problems and all of Clarks surgerys the doctors really felt it wouldn't be easy for us so we are so thankful.

We have been keeping ourselves busy with life. I have been working on finishing up phlebotomy. I have a job at the hospital I work at doing phlebotomy as soon as I finish all my pokes! This will allow me to make my own schedual witch will be perfect once the baby comes. I am finally taking a term off of school. It is so nice to have a break. I will be back in the fall to finish my associates and aply for the nursing program! I have really enjoyed it. Clark is excited to get back to work at Charter. He will hopefully be going back in the middle of august. We have been taking the missionary discusions with a couple of our close friends. It has been really nice for us to continue to build our faith in the gospel. The missionarys that we have right now are great, they have really made it fun.

Well that is all the updates for now. I hope everyone has a great week.