We have been keeping our selves very busy. We are going to be moving into a little bigger place on November 1st! The house is in the same town so we will stay close to our family and friends. Clark is excited to have a yard and two car garage.
I am in school this term. I decided to take 14 credits. A little crazy but I can do it (atleast I tell myself that.) Being pregnant makes things a little more difficult. It is amazing how hard it is to carry a backpack on your back when you have a baby in your tummy :) Clark thinks its pretty funny to see me try to walk up and dow the stairs. The term doesn't end until December 12th so hopefully I don't have him too early. It has been interesting trying to get my brain to work while pregnant. It just never seems to want to :)
Clark is still doing pretty well. He is able to get up and out a lot more during the day. We recently had an appointment with his Doctor in portland. He thought Clark was doing well but he may have to have another small procedure. It is an out patient surgery but its still one more. Clark and I are still talking to him and the Doctors at the Mayo Clinic to make sure that it is the best thing to do. On a better note he is extremly excited for his baby boy to get here. I love seeing him smile when he feels the baby move (witch dosen't happen often the baby will never move for him.) It is so neat to see the bond he already has with him. I can't wait to see his face the first time he holds his baby boy.
Well thats all I can think of for now. I will try to update soon!