Friday, December 26, 2008

New Ty Pictures

He is just too cute. We take picture after picture

Look at his long fingers. He is going to be a good dirtbike rider (daddy says)

This is Grandma and Grandpa Clark. Ty's middle name is Dale, named after his great grandpa Dale Clark. We had wanted to name him after grandpa since we knew we were having a boy. Ty must have liked that idea because he picked to be born on Grandpa's birthday!

Look at those big eyes! I love it when he is awake. It is so fun to look at him look at you. He loves when Daddy talks to him. He really knows his voice.
Ill post pictures of Ty's first Christmas soon!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Baby Ty is here! He was born on December 16th at 7:50am. He was 8lbs 4oz and 20in long. We can't believe how perfect he is. What a miracle. We are so in love.

Clark (Dad) picked out his "going home" outfit. He is so little that nothing fit. This newborn outfit was way to big for him. He sure looked cute though.

Look at those cute eyes. I love when he looks at me. It is soo sweet.

Just a couple hours after he was born. What a perfect baby boy.

It is amazing how beautiful your child is to you. We think he is perfect.
I will post more pictures soon. I am still pretty sore from the c section so this is it for now.

Monday, December 15, 2008

C section Update

Tomorrow is the big day! We are soo excited but soo nervous. Ty (the baby) is still in the wrong position so we are going in for a schedualed C section. The Doctor thinks that his head might be to big for him to fit. As long as he is healthy a c section is fine with me.

Well I'm going to get try to get some rest. I will try to post pictures of our new family as soon as possible. We can't wait to see him!

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Well we found out today that I will probably be having a C-section. He is "sunny side up" and sideways. His head is on my left hip. I have been having a lot of very painful contractions. The doctor thinks that I am having them because my body is trying to get him into the right position. He seems to be extremly stuborn already and won't move. The C-section is scheduled for the 16th bright and early in the morning. If he doesn't change positions by then then thats the day it will be. Ill keep everyone updated. I can't believe in 10 days we will have our little boy here.

We hope everyone is having a great Holiday Season

Monday, December 1, 2008

Just an update

We went to a Christmas tree lot to get our christmas tree and Clark couldn't resist playing with the chickens.

I love Grand Fir's. It is what I grew up with and they smell so good. I think that I have convinced Clark they are the best tree too. It is getting hard to find them but we found the perfect one! I will post pictures soon after we decorate it.

Clark is so great and getting all the Christmas stuff done. He surprised me with putting them up early. Then he decided we need more so I got this picture when he was putting the extra ones up. I will get a picture with the lights on soon.

This is my cousin Natalie's baby girl Jazmine. We got to meet her for the first time when we were in portland a couple weeks ago for Clark's surgery. She was such a cutie and was smiling the whole time except when I tried to take a picture.

What a great Thanksgiving!

The day after Thanksgiving the whole family went out shooting! There was a lot of people but we still had fun.

This year instead of drawing names we did a white elephant. It was a lot of fun!

Wow that is a BIG belly. He should be here soon! I am getting very ready to not be pregnant any more. I know once I'm not I will miss it but I can't wait to have him here.
Thanksgiving was a lot of fun. We had a lot of family come up from california. It was great to see them. I wish we got to see them more. It is crazy to think this will be our last thanksgiving as a couple with no kids. Next year we will have a little boy almost a year old! I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I LOVE the holidays! Thanksgiving seems to be the start of the season. We are getting our Christmas lights up and we will get our Christmas tree this weekend! I LOVE having a Christmas tree in the house. I wish we could keep it for longer. It makes the house feel so warm and I love the smell. This year is an extra special holiday season because we will be having a baby sometime in the next couple weeks! My due date got moved up another week, so the new date is Dec. 17th! Less then three weeks away. It's hard to believe but we are soooo ready. I guess I should say I am I am really wanting to NOT be pregnant anymore.

I have always spent every Thanksgiving with my Dad's side of the family. We have been able to keep this tradition even after we got married. This year the whole family is coming here! Lucky me since driving over 9 months pregnant is NOT that fun. I am excited to see everyone and have a yummy meal.

I wanted to write about a couple things I am thankful for (don't worry ill keep it short)

1. My amazing husband. I absolutely admire him. This year he has been through so much and is still able to love life, smile everyday, and make sure I am taken care of and know his love for me. He is truely amazing and my superman. I can't imagine going through all the major surgerys and illness he has and still be so strong. He will be one amazing father, someone I know our kids will be able to look up to and admire as I do. I love you babe :)

2. Our amazing family's. We are so blessed to have such great families. They are so supportive and full of love. We love you guys very much.

3. Our beautiful baby boy on the way. We feel so blessed that Heavenly Father is trusting us to raise one of his beautiful children. We can't wait to meet him. It's amazing how much we can love someone we haven't even met.

4. All of the blessings we have recieved this year. Everytime we thought there was no way we could get through something there was always a way to.

5. Through every trial you only get stronger. So I am thankful for all of our trials this year. We have grown stronger as individuals and especially as a couple than I thought possible. It is amazing what you can do when you have to.

Ok so thats all I will post, I don't want to make the list too long.

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. Enjoy you family and remember everything we have to be thankful for :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New belly Picture

I know I need to post more but I figured I would atleast get a new picture up! This is the baby belly at 33 1/2 weeks! I can't believe the big day is getting so close ;) I am ready to be done being pregnant but at the same time i'm not. I have been VERY busy with school. I am in anatomy and physiology, a very hard course to say the least. We also just moved into our new house so we have been on the go.

Clark is having another surgery in portland next week on the 21st. It is a fairly minor surgery and should help him feel a little better.

I will write a longer post soon. I need to post pictures from my amazing baby shower and of our new house!

I hope everyone is having a great holiday season! This is my favorite time of year.

Clark and Kaycee

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Life Update

I figured I would put up a recent picture of us up. Last weekend we went "camping" for the night. We actually just went to the camp sight eat dinner and make smores with some of my family. It was a lot of fun!

We have been keeping our selves very busy. We are going to be moving into a little bigger place on November 1st! The house is in the same town so we will stay close to our family and friends. Clark is excited to have a yard and two car garage.

I am in school this term. I decided to take 14 credits. A little crazy but I can do it (atleast I tell myself that.) Being pregnant makes things a little more difficult. It is amazing how hard it is to carry a backpack on your back when you have a baby in your tummy :) Clark thinks its pretty funny to see me try to walk up and dow the stairs. The term doesn't end until December 12th so hopefully I don't have him too early. It has been interesting trying to get my brain to work while pregnant. It just never seems to want to :)

Clark is still doing pretty well. He is able to get up and out a lot more during the day. We recently had an appointment with his Doctor in portland. He thought Clark was doing well but he may have to have another small procedure. It is an out patient surgery but its still one more. Clark and I are still talking to him and the Doctors at the Mayo Clinic to make sure that it is the best thing to do. On a better note he is extremly excited for his baby boy to get here. I love seeing him smile when he feels the baby move (witch dosen't happen often the baby will never move for him.) It is so neat to see the bond he already has with him. I can't wait to see his face the first time he holds his baby boy.

Well thats all I can think of for now. I will try to update soon!

Getting Bigger!

I have grown a lot in the last month. It is fun to look back at the previous weeks and see how much the baby is growing, not to mention how fast. Clark really likes to also. Every week he takes a picture so we can put it in the scrapbook. In these pictures I am 29 weeks. We will take a new one today for the 30 week picture! It is getting close to the end, we are soo excited to meet him.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Growing Belly

My belly at 21 weeks!

Obviously 23 1/2 weeks. Its not the best picture.

The last one, my belly at 25 weeks. It has gotten a lot bigger in just a month. I love it. Our baby boy is now about a pound and a half. He kicks a lot but every time Clark trys to feel it he stops. I hope he will be able to feel him soon. We can't wait for him to get here.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Clark's 21st Birthday

I don't know how to flip this picture sorry. I made Clark his favorite, a Banana Cream pie, all for himself. He was pretty happy about that.

Morgan Called Clark at 12am so he could be the first person to say Happy Birthday. What an awesome brother! That night he brought Clark his birthday present. He had the real one in his pocket and handed Clark an Amp soda. Clark was happy with that and said thank you. Then morgan said do you want your real present and pulled out an I pod! Clark was soo excited about that. We have both wanted one for a long time now but he never expeted to get it. Thank you so much Morgan! I think you got the biggest smile from him I have seen in awhile.

Clark just loves that I make him hold up his gifts and smile. I am always telling him that he will appreciate it one day. Even if he dosen't I think its fun!

The next day we did a Family birthday party for him! When I asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday he said he just wanted to have a get together with the family so thats what we did. Mom and Dad got him money! He wants to get a hand gun now that he is old enough so he was excited to get cash so he can save for a gun.

Some of the family. Starting from the front: My Dad, Brother in law Corey, Sister Tiffany, Clark's brother Morgan and his friend ( I forgot her name )

My mom and Little brother Kade.

Clark with another banana pie (he couldn't share his.) I even put in 21 candles! Notice my mom with her camera. Now you know were I got it from :)
HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY HONEY... it has been quite a year. I am so proud of everything we have made it through. I can't tell you how greatful I am to still have you with me. Thank you for being so strong. I am excited for all the years we have together in the future.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Kate's Visit

Kate is a little fish. She would have swam forever if we would have let her. She was an awesome swimmer, she did lots of jumps off the latter.

By the end of the day she got really good on the scooter. She didn't want to stop playing. After riding it she said "I am going to ask for one of these for Christmas!" I'm glad she had so much fun. It was a blast to have her for a day. We don't get to see our nieces or nephew much so when we do we really enjoy it. They sure do grow fast. Kate said she wanted our baby to be a girl because they are cuter and you can put them in dresses. This was before we knew it was a boy. After we found out she said, "well I guess boys are ok to but they aren't as cute. Atleast now Thomas (our only nephew) will have a boy to play with." As long as she is ok with it I guess :)

Our niece Kate came for a visit about a month ago to see Grandma. Clark's mom does a fun visit with all of her grand children when they are 7. They get to come to Grandma's house fr a whole week! Kate had a blast. She got to sew, scarpbook and all kinds of fun things. One of the days she was here we got to take her over to my moms to go swiming. My youngest sister was over and was able to play with Kate. We had a blast. Uncle Clarky even got in the pool to swim with her! In the picture above Kate was riding my little sisters motorized scooter. Lainey (my youngest sister) look her on rides at first but it didn't take long for her to do it on her own. She has always been fearless. Clark remebers surfing on the edge of a rocking chair when she was just a baby.

Friday, July 25, 2008


He has big feet. You can see all five toes! It is amazing how good ultrasounds are now.

This was the first shot we got of our little boy. He didn't want us mistaking him for a girl. The whole ultrasound he was trying to flash us his backside. He wouldn't show us his face at all but he ws proud to let us know we had a boy on the way. Before the ultrasound tech even said "its a boy" you could tell. I looked over at Clark and saw a big smile on his face. He was just a little excited. We can't wait to meet him!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Just an Update

The past couple weeks have been great!

Clark is starting to feel better. He is getting stronger and stronger. It is so great to see him getting back to normal. It will take awhile for him to recover completly but it is nice to have him so happy. One great blessing through all of our trials is how much we both learned to apreciate the small things. Life can be taken away in a second so enjoy every moment you have. It has truley been a blessing to our marrige and lives to live this way. I believe that every trial has something you learn from and grow stronger because of.

I have been feeling better. It is so nice to be in the second trimester. I have just started feeling the baby move. It is such an amazing feeling. I can't wait until Clark can feel it too. We find out the sex of the baby on July 23rd! It is only about a week and a half away! We are so excited. It will be nice to start thinking about colors and things for the nursery. I'm sure my mother in law will help with that. She is really good at decorating. That is a good thing because it isn't one of my gifts. Somedays it feels like I am going to be pregnant forever but others I look back and think it is going by so fast. We have really tried to enjoy every stage of the pregnancy. This baby is such a miracle. With my fertility problems and all of Clarks surgerys the doctors really felt it wouldn't be easy for us so we are so thankful.

We have been keeping ourselves busy with life. I have been working on finishing up phlebotomy. I have a job at the hospital I work at doing phlebotomy as soon as I finish all my pokes! This will allow me to make my own schedual witch will be perfect once the baby comes. I am finally taking a term off of school. It is so nice to have a break. I will be back in the fall to finish my associates and aply for the nursing program! I have really enjoyed it. Clark is excited to get back to work at Charter. He will hopefully be going back in the middle of august. We have been taking the missionary discusions with a couple of our close friends. It has been really nice for us to continue to build our faith in the gospel. The missionarys that we have right now are great, they have really made it fun.

Well that is all the updates for now. I hope everyone has a great week.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Our new Niece!

Zoe-Jayne Alexandria Thomas was born June 23rd! She weighed 6lbs 6oz.
CONGRATS Brandon and Amber!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Baby's growing!

These Pictures were takin at our 13 week ultrasound. It was so neat to see an actualy baby in there! The baby wouldn't stop moving the whole ultrasound which was really weird to see since I can't fell it yet. I don't think I have ever seen Clark with a bigger smile. The due date has been moved to Christmas day.

The first picture is of the baby's side profile. I think it is the best picture.

The second is another side profile of the baby doing flips!

The third is a side profile of the baby's face.

We will get to find out the baby's sex in 5 weeks! We are both very excited for that. Some days it feels like the pregnancy will last forever but it is also amazing how fast it has gone. I haven't been too sick so I have really enjoyed being pregnant. I can't wait to feel the baby move for the first time.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mayo Clinic/ Mall of America

This trip to Minnesota for Clark's last surgery (hopefully) we decided to go to the Mall of America! A coupe days before his surgery we were able to spend a whole day there. I didn't realy now what to expect but it was great. We had a lot of fun.
Of course we spend a lot of time in the Lego Land! There was a lot of neat things built with legos. This was one of our favorites. A couple of the things were a couple stories tall. They had a huge clock that actually worked. It was actually really neat.

Behind us you can see a big amusement park right behind us. This is actually in the center of the mall. It is a nickelodeon theme.

There was a rain forest cafe inside the mall too. I had never been to one so it was a fun experiance. They have lights set up to make it seem like there is lighting storms every couple minutes. There was also water dripping to make it look like rain. Plus good food!

This was one of Clark after his surgery. He was actually doing a lot better than any of us thought he would. He is so strong to go through all he has. I am so proud of him. I am always telling him he is my superman! I hope that this is the last surgery he will ever have to go through.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Baby Time!

We are very excited to find out that we are pregnant! We had been trying for a couple months but were very surprised and happy to find out it happened so soon. The doctors had found some hormone problems I was going through so I was put on some fertility medicine to help. Even the doctors were surprised it happened so fast. After everything we have gone through this year with Clark we are so thankful for such a wonderful blessing! Our due date is December 22nd. Very close to Christmas, but I can't think of a better gift.

I am going to try to post our fist ultrasound picture. Well see if I can figure that out. We got one so soon because I ended up in the ER with kidney stones. Apparently it is some what common during pregnancy, lucky me! I told Clark it was worth the pain just for the ultrasound! The nurse in ER said she had one when she was pregnant and it was worse than labor. Normally they give you a lot of pain medicine and try to evaporate the stone with sound waves. Since I'm pregnant they can't do any of that or surgery. Hopefully it will pass by itself if not they will have to put stints in OUCH.... I just can't wait for the pain to be over now. I told Clark that Heavenly Father must know how bad we want this baby because I would put up with any pain as long as the baby will be ok.

Our first actual appointment for the baby is May 13th. We will get another ultrasound and get to hear the baby's heart beat! We can't wait for that one. This ultrasound showed that everything is going perfect with the baby so far! It is in the perfect spot, is the perfect size, and the yoke sack looks great! We were happy to hear that! So far I haven't been too sick. Not much morning sickness, just a little here and there. I am only 7 weeks so I'm sure there is still a chance for it to hit.

I will keep everyone updated with our progress!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Clark- Mayo Clinic

Great News!

We have finaly heard back about Clark's CT scan. It has taken forever but it was worth the wait. All the doctors at the Mayo Clinic fell like the scan looked awesome! They didn't see any sign of an infection! So he finally got to get off the IV antibiotics and had the PICC line removed! It is so nice to see progress. Clark is looking better everyday. We are both looking forward to his next surgery in June so we can put it all behind us. We will be going back to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN for this surgery also. It is planned for the 2nd week in June but we should have the exact date soon. Thank you to everyone for your continued support, prayers, and thoughts. We apreciate them very much. We hope everyone is enjoying a beautiful spring. Don't forget to take the time to enjoy your life if nothing else, through this, we have learned how fast life can be. Clark and Kaycee Thomas

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Just for you Jennah!

Well the Family (AKA Jennah) has been asking us to get a blog for a while now so here it is! We always love to catch up with everyone by looking at theirs so now you can see what were up to also.

Clark and Kaycee