Friday, December 26, 2008

New Ty Pictures

He is just too cute. We take picture after picture

Look at his long fingers. He is going to be a good dirtbike rider (daddy says)

This is Grandma and Grandpa Clark. Ty's middle name is Dale, named after his great grandpa Dale Clark. We had wanted to name him after grandpa since we knew we were having a boy. Ty must have liked that idea because he picked to be born on Grandpa's birthday!

Look at those big eyes! I love it when he is awake. It is so fun to look at him look at you. He loves when Daddy talks to him. He really knows his voice.
Ill post pictures of Ty's first Christmas soon!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Baby Ty is here! He was born on December 16th at 7:50am. He was 8lbs 4oz and 20in long. We can't believe how perfect he is. What a miracle. We are so in love.

Clark (Dad) picked out his "going home" outfit. He is so little that nothing fit. This newborn outfit was way to big for him. He sure looked cute though.

Look at those cute eyes. I love when he looks at me. It is soo sweet.

Just a couple hours after he was born. What a perfect baby boy.

It is amazing how beautiful your child is to you. We think he is perfect.
I will post more pictures soon. I am still pretty sore from the c section so this is it for now.

Monday, December 15, 2008

C section Update

Tomorrow is the big day! We are soo excited but soo nervous. Ty (the baby) is still in the wrong position so we are going in for a schedualed C section. The Doctor thinks that his head might be to big for him to fit. As long as he is healthy a c section is fine with me.

Well I'm going to get try to get some rest. I will try to post pictures of our new family as soon as possible. We can't wait to see him!

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Well we found out today that I will probably be having a C-section. He is "sunny side up" and sideways. His head is on my left hip. I have been having a lot of very painful contractions. The doctor thinks that I am having them because my body is trying to get him into the right position. He seems to be extremly stuborn already and won't move. The C-section is scheduled for the 16th bright and early in the morning. If he doesn't change positions by then then thats the day it will be. Ill keep everyone updated. I can't believe in 10 days we will have our little boy here.

We hope everyone is having a great Holiday Season

Monday, December 1, 2008

Just an update

We went to a Christmas tree lot to get our christmas tree and Clark couldn't resist playing with the chickens.

I love Grand Fir's. It is what I grew up with and they smell so good. I think that I have convinced Clark they are the best tree too. It is getting hard to find them but we found the perfect one! I will post pictures soon after we decorate it.

Clark is so great and getting all the Christmas stuff done. He surprised me with putting them up early. Then he decided we need more so I got this picture when he was putting the extra ones up. I will get a picture with the lights on soon.

This is my cousin Natalie's baby girl Jazmine. We got to meet her for the first time when we were in portland a couple weeks ago for Clark's surgery. She was such a cutie and was smiling the whole time except when I tried to take a picture.

What a great Thanksgiving!

The day after Thanksgiving the whole family went out shooting! There was a lot of people but we still had fun.

This year instead of drawing names we did a white elephant. It was a lot of fun!

Wow that is a BIG belly. He should be here soon! I am getting very ready to not be pregnant any more. I know once I'm not I will miss it but I can't wait to have him here.
Thanksgiving was a lot of fun. We had a lot of family come up from california. It was great to see them. I wish we got to see them more. It is crazy to think this will be our last thanksgiving as a couple with no kids. Next year we will have a little boy almost a year old! I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving.