Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Kate's Visit

Kate is a little fish. She would have swam forever if we would have let her. She was an awesome swimmer, she did lots of jumps off the latter.

By the end of the day she got really good on the scooter. She didn't want to stop playing. After riding it she said "I am going to ask for one of these for Christmas!" I'm glad she had so much fun. It was a blast to have her for a day. We don't get to see our nieces or nephew much so when we do we really enjoy it. They sure do grow fast. Kate said she wanted our baby to be a girl because they are cuter and you can put them in dresses. This was before we knew it was a boy. After we found out she said, "well I guess boys are ok to but they aren't as cute. Atleast now Thomas (our only nephew) will have a boy to play with." As long as she is ok with it I guess :)

Our niece Kate came for a visit about a month ago to see Grandma. Clark's mom does a fun visit with all of her grand children when they are 7. They get to come to Grandma's house fr a whole week! Kate had a blast. She got to sew, scarpbook and all kinds of fun things. One of the days she was here we got to take her over to my moms to go swiming. My youngest sister was over and was able to play with Kate. We had a blast. Uncle Clarky even got in the pool to swim with her! In the picture above Kate was riding my little sisters motorized scooter. Lainey (my youngest sister) look her on rides at first but it didn't take long for her to do it on her own. She has always been fearless. Clark remebers surfing on the edge of a rocking chair when she was just a baby.

1 comment:

Jennah said...

Cute pictures... It sounds like you had a lot of fun playing with Kate. I hope to see more fun pictures soon.