Thursday, September 11, 2008

Growing Belly

My belly at 21 weeks!

Obviously 23 1/2 weeks. Its not the best picture.

The last one, my belly at 25 weeks. It has gotten a lot bigger in just a month. I love it. Our baby boy is now about a pound and a half. He kicks a lot but every time Clark trys to feel it he stops. I hope he will be able to feel him soon. We can't wait for him to get here.


Amber said...

I love your belly!!! I'm jealous. I felt like I didn't really start showing till closer to 30 weeks. Don't get me clothes didn't fit and other people thought I looked pregnant but I didn't think I really popped out there till about then!

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

You are so cute! I love the belly shots!

Amber said...

Updates please...and new pictures!!!