Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Clark- Mayo Clinic

Great News!

We have finaly heard back about Clark's CT scan. It has taken forever but it was worth the wait. All the doctors at the Mayo Clinic fell like the scan looked awesome! They didn't see any sign of an infection! So he finally got to get off the IV antibiotics and had the PICC line removed! It is so nice to see progress. Clark is looking better everyday. We are both looking forward to his next surgery in June so we can put it all behind us. We will be going back to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN for this surgery also. It is planned for the 2nd week in June but we should have the exact date soon. Thank you to everyone for your continued support, prayers, and thoughts. We apreciate them very much. We hope everyone is enjoying a beautiful spring. Don't forget to take the time to enjoy your life if nothing else, through this, we have learned how fast life can be. Clark and Kaycee Thomas

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