Sunday, May 4, 2008

Baby Time!

We are very excited to find out that we are pregnant! We had been trying for a couple months but were very surprised and happy to find out it happened so soon. The doctors had found some hormone problems I was going through so I was put on some fertility medicine to help. Even the doctors were surprised it happened so fast. After everything we have gone through this year with Clark we are so thankful for such a wonderful blessing! Our due date is December 22nd. Very close to Christmas, but I can't think of a better gift.

I am going to try to post our fist ultrasound picture. Well see if I can figure that out. We got one so soon because I ended up in the ER with kidney stones. Apparently it is some what common during pregnancy, lucky me! I told Clark it was worth the pain just for the ultrasound! The nurse in ER said she had one when she was pregnant and it was worse than labor. Normally they give you a lot of pain medicine and try to evaporate the stone with sound waves. Since I'm pregnant they can't do any of that or surgery. Hopefully it will pass by itself if not they will have to put stints in OUCH.... I just can't wait for the pain to be over now. I told Clark that Heavenly Father must know how bad we want this baby because I would put up with any pain as long as the baby will be ok.

Our first actual appointment for the baby is May 13th. We will get another ultrasound and get to hear the baby's heart beat! We can't wait for that one. This ultrasound showed that everything is going perfect with the baby so far! It is in the perfect spot, is the perfect size, and the yoke sack looks great! We were happy to hear that! So far I haven't been too sick. Not much morning sickness, just a little here and there. I am only 7 weeks so I'm sure there is still a chance for it to hit.

I will keep everyone updated with our progress!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Congratulations! Maybe next time you guys could give me a call and tell me news like this before I read it on your blog.