Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Baby's growing!

These Pictures were takin at our 13 week ultrasound. It was so neat to see an actualy baby in there! The baby wouldn't stop moving the whole ultrasound which was really weird to see since I can't fell it yet. I don't think I have ever seen Clark with a bigger smile. The due date has been moved to Christmas day.

The first picture is of the baby's side profile. I think it is the best picture.

The second is another side profile of the baby doing flips!

The third is a side profile of the baby's face.

We will get to find out the baby's sex in 5 weeks! We are both very excited for that. Some days it feels like the pregnancy will last forever but it is also amazing how fast it has gone. I haven't been too sick so I have really enjoyed being pregnant. I can't wait to feel the baby move for the first time.

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