Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mayo Clinic/ Mall of America

This trip to Minnesota for Clark's last surgery (hopefully) we decided to go to the Mall of America! A coupe days before his surgery we were able to spend a whole day there. I didn't realy now what to expect but it was great. We had a lot of fun.
Of course we spend a lot of time in the Lego Land! There was a lot of neat things built with legos. This was one of our favorites. A couple of the things were a couple stories tall. They had a huge clock that actually worked. It was actually really neat.

Behind us you can see a big amusement park right behind us. This is actually in the center of the mall. It is a nickelodeon theme.

There was a rain forest cafe inside the mall too. I had never been to one so it was a fun experiance. They have lights set up to make it seem like there is lighting storms every couple minutes. There was also water dripping to make it look like rain. Plus good food!

This was one of Clark after his surgery. He was actually doing a lot better than any of us thought he would. He is so strong to go through all he has. I am so proud of him. I am always telling him he is my superman! I hope that this is the last surgery he will ever have to go through.

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