Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I LOVE the holidays! Thanksgiving seems to be the start of the season. We are getting our Christmas lights up and we will get our Christmas tree this weekend! I LOVE having a Christmas tree in the house. I wish we could keep it for longer. It makes the house feel so warm and I love the smell. This year is an extra special holiday season because we will be having a baby sometime in the next couple weeks! My due date got moved up another week, so the new date is Dec. 17th! Less then three weeks away. It's hard to believe but we are soooo ready. I guess I should say I am I am really wanting to NOT be pregnant anymore.

I have always spent every Thanksgiving with my Dad's side of the family. We have been able to keep this tradition even after we got married. This year the whole family is coming here! Lucky me since driving over 9 months pregnant is NOT that fun. I am excited to see everyone and have a yummy meal.

I wanted to write about a couple things I am thankful for (don't worry ill keep it short)

1. My amazing husband. I absolutely admire him. This year he has been through so much and is still able to love life, smile everyday, and make sure I am taken care of and know his love for me. He is truely amazing and my superman. I can't imagine going through all the major surgerys and illness he has and still be so strong. He will be one amazing father, someone I know our kids will be able to look up to and admire as I do. I love you babe :)

2. Our amazing family's. We are so blessed to have such great families. They are so supportive and full of love. We love you guys very much.

3. Our beautiful baby boy on the way. We feel so blessed that Heavenly Father is trusting us to raise one of his beautiful children. We can't wait to meet him. It's amazing how much we can love someone we haven't even met.

4. All of the blessings we have recieved this year. Everytime we thought there was no way we could get through something there was always a way to.

5. Through every trial you only get stronger. So I am thankful for all of our trials this year. We have grown stronger as individuals and especially as a couple than I thought possible. It is amazing what you can do when you have to.

Ok so thats all I will post, I don't want to make the list too long.

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. Enjoy you family and remember everything we have to be thankful for :)

1 comment:

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

Sweet post, loved your blessings! You are going to be great parents, I'm thrilled for you. . .won't be much longer now!