Saturday, December 6, 2008


Well we found out today that I will probably be having a C-section. He is "sunny side up" and sideways. His head is on my left hip. I have been having a lot of very painful contractions. The doctor thinks that I am having them because my body is trying to get him into the right position. He seems to be extremly stuborn already and won't move. The C-section is scheduled for the 16th bright and early in the morning. If he doesn't change positions by then then thats the day it will be. Ill keep everyone updated. I can't believe in 10 days we will have our little boy here.

We hope everyone is having a great Holiday Season


SevenVillageIdiarts said...

Benjamin was in the same position as your little one, but the DR was able to physically turn him and we had to hold him in position for hours until he descended the birth canal. . . I think a C Section would have been easier! I can't wait to see this little one!

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

Hey cute thang, email me your address so I can get your card in the mail!