Monday, December 1, 2008

Just an update

We went to a Christmas tree lot to get our christmas tree and Clark couldn't resist playing with the chickens.

I love Grand Fir's. It is what I grew up with and they smell so good. I think that I have convinced Clark they are the best tree too. It is getting hard to find them but we found the perfect one! I will post pictures soon after we decorate it.

Clark is so great and getting all the Christmas stuff done. He surprised me with putting them up early. Then he decided we need more so I got this picture when he was putting the extra ones up. I will get a picture with the lights on soon.

This is my cousin Natalie's baby girl Jazmine. We got to meet her for the first time when we were in portland a couple weeks ago for Clark's surgery. She was such a cutie and was smiling the whole time except when I tried to take a picture.

1 comment:

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

Great pictures! I can't wait to see the decorated tree and lit house!